I can handle some stick, no drama, no problem, what pisses me is someone having a crack when they've only armed themselves with part of the story, you don't know me, you don't have a clue about how I think and what I'm about and worse still dickhead, you've read way too fucking much into something I've posted and taken it completely out of context . . . . a bit of advice before you put finger to keyboard next time, do a bit more research, have a browse through some more of my posts and finally, if you're gonna leave abrasive, uninformed, sledging comments, you may like to consider being man enough to come out from behind the cloak of anonymity to do it . . . . otherwise, fuck off and crawl back into the hole from whence you came.
A funny little commercial from Oz highlighting the stuff we did in junior school regarding playing tricks on the eye based on objects seperated by distance and how perception is totally skewed on occasion, really well done and thoroughly convincing . . . . not certain it was made in Oz but, anyhoo . . . . enjoy.
Ha Ha, too funny.